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Be prepared with
the updated App
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Download our multi-award winning free App, updated for 2018.


New content includes actions following a Vehicle Attack or Acid Attack.


All pages have been refreshed and simplified to help you to save lives.


To learn more click on the picture above.

Stop bleeding with
the Tourni-Key
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Tourni-Key works with any strip of material, or the supplied triangular bandage, to rapidly create an effective limb tourniquet.


You can stop severe limb bleeding!


Once you've tried it, you'll be 'hooked'!


To learn more click on the picture above.

Be prepared with
the Pocket Guide
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Sometimes paper is easier to use than an App on a phone.


Follow the same logic as the App in our revised paper concertina guide.


Developed using the same principles used successfully by soldiers for 20 years.

To learn more click on the picture above.

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About us

Meet the citizenAID team

Click on the picture to learn more

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School Education

Click on the picture to learn more

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PAcT Kits

Public Access Trauma Kits

Click on the picture to learn more

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citizenAID e-Learning

Click on the picture to learn more

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Our Store

Visit our Store

Click on the picture to learn more

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Large venue

Multiple equipment packs

Click on the picture to learn more

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